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Cell No. : Cell Name
RCB5029 : NIH3T3 Flp Arl13bCerulean-Fucci2a  update : 2025/02/26
CommentResearch tools : Fucci – Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator.
Comment from the depositorNIH/3T3 is a fibroblast cell line that was isolated from a mouse NIH/Swiss embryo. These cells were generated by a stable integration of pCDNA5-CAG-Arl13bCerulean-Fucci2a using the Flp-in system they were not cloned but are isogenic.
Terms and conditions1)1) The RECIPIENT should obtain written approval from the UCSD using the [mCherry FORM]. 2) The RECIPIENT agrees to use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE only for publication of research papers and the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE may not be used on humans. 3) In publishing the research results obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the literature designated by the DEPOSITOR (Dev Cell 2018 47(4):509-523.e5) is requested. 4) In publishing the research results to be obtained by use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, an acknowledgment to the DEPOSITOR and Dr. Richard Mort of Lancaster University is requested. 5) The RECIPIENT must contact the DEPOSITOR in the case of application for any patents or commercial use based on the results from the use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE. 6) The BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE may not be used for commercial purposes by the RECIPIENT. 7) The RECIPIENT may not transfer the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE to any third parties. 8) If the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is to be used by a for-profit organization, the RECIPIENT must agree with RIKEN Innovation Co., Ltd. on the terms and conditions of its use. For inquiries, please 9) The RECIPIENT’s Scientist agrees not to transfer the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE and its derivatives to any third party including any resource center without the prior written consent of Dr. Atsushi Miyawaki.
Order Form Order Form(C-0005.pdf)   MTA(C-0007.pdf)  
Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (
Basic information IPR University of Edinburgh (UK)
Depositor Ian, Jackson
Originator Ian, Jackson
Year of deposit 2018
Original cell NIH/3T3
Cloning (depositor) No
Animal _mouse < Mammals
Strain name NIH/Swiss
Genus Mus
Species musculus
Gender Unknown
Age at sampling embryo
Tissue embryo
Classification transformed
Recombinant recombinant
Exogene pCDNA5-CAG-Arl13bFucci2a
Selection 100 μg/ml Hygromycin (Gibco)
Recombinant virus No
Lifespan infinite
Morphology fibroblast-like
deposit info
lot info
Medium Medium List
Culture type Adherent cells Adherent cells
Culture medium Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing ; 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin, 25 mM D-Glucose, 4 mM L-glutamine, 1 mM sodium pyruvate DMEM (low glucose) + 10% FBS
Antibiotics Free
Passage method 0.25% Trypsin
Culture information Passage cell No 3 x 10 5 cells/60 mm dish
SC frequency Subculture : 2 times/week
Temperature 37 ℃ 37 ℃
CO2 concentration 5 % 5 %
Freeze medium Medium + 10% DMSO
Freezing method Slow freezing
Mycoplasma/Acholeplasma (-)
Animal PCR OK
SSLP(mouse) OK
Reference information Reference 1
User's Publication 0

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17390  Ford MJ, Yeyati PL, Mali GR, Keighren MA, Waddell SH, Mjoseng HK, Douglas AT, Hall EA, Sakaue-Sawano A, Miyawaki A, Meehan RR, Boulter L, Jackson IJ, Mill P, Mort RL.  A Cell/Cilia Cycle Biosensor for Single-Cell Kinetics Reveals Persistence of Cilia after G1/S Transition Is a General Property in Cells and Mice  Dev Cell  2018  47(4):509-523.e5  PubMed ID: 30458140   DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.10.027

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