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Cell No. : Cell Name
RCB4814 : Glut1(D4416-3)  update : 2025/01/16
CommentHybridoma against Glut 1 (human) : glucose transporter 1 (full length) antigen.
Comment from the depositorPurified full length of human glucose transporter (hGlut1) expressed in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae. was reconstituted into liposomes. This hybridoma was generated using the hGlut1 liposome as an immunogen.
Terms and conditions1) Publishing the works using these antibodies, please acknowledge that their production was supported by the project of "Development of New Functional Antibody Technologies of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)". 2) No recipient shall use the research material, their progeny or derivatives, commercially without depositor"s prior written approval.
approver's address
3rd Fl., Sangakurenkei-Plaza, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Fax. +81-3-5805-7699
Order Form Order Form(C-0005.pdf)   MTA(C-0007.pdf)   MTA(C-0007p.pdf)  
Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (
Basic information Depositor HAMAKUBO, Takao
Originator HAMAKUBO, Takao
Year of deposit 2017
Animal _mouse x mouse < Hybrid
Tissue hybridoma
Classification hybrid cells
Lifespan infinite
Morphology lymphocyte-like
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_A6YG
hybridoma Fusion_cell_1 name NS-1
Fusion_cell_1 strain mouse
Fusion_cell_2 name spleen
Fusion_cell_2 strain mouse, MRL/lpr
Fusion method PEG, HAT selection
Antibody name D4416-3
Subclass IgG2a(Kappa)
Immunogen Purified full length of hGlut1 reconstituted into liposomes
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lot info
Medium Medium List
Culture type Suspension cells Suspension cells
Culture method General Guidelines for Culturing Suspension Cells, 浮遊細胞の培養に関する一般的な注意(Japanese)
Culture medium (RPMI1640+1mM Sodium pyruvate+146μg/ml L-Glutamine)+15%FBS) : (S-Clone CM-B) = 3 : 1 . Thawing medium : Medium + 10% BM-Condimed H1. (RPMI1640+1mM Sodium pyruvate+146μg/ml L-Glutamine)+15%FBS) : (S-Clone CM-B) = 3 : 1 . Thawing medium : Medium + 10% BM-Condimed H1.
Antibiotics Free
Passage method dilution dilution
Culture information Passage cell No 0.1-1x10 5 cells/ml
Passage ratio 1 : 10-20 split 1 : 10 split
SC frequency Subculture : 2 times/week Subculture : 2 times/week
Temperature 37 ℃ 37 ℃
CO2 concentration 5 % 5 %
Freeze medium CELLBANKER (Juji-field BLC-1) Medium + 10% DMSO
Freezing method Slow freezing
Mycoplasma/Acholeplasma (-)
Mycoplasma (-)
Antibody subclass IgG2a IgG2a(Kappa)
Saturation density 2-3x10 5 cells/ml
Doubling time 24 hr
Others If cultured for a long period of time, the antibody titer may decrease.
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