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細胞番号 : 細胞名
RCB2867 : HeLa/Fucci2  update : 2025/02/26
細胞特性(Comment:英)A subline of the HeLa cell line expressing Fucci2, a cell cycle marker. Cell line name : HeLa/Fucci2 #3. Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci. Research tools : Fucci – Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator.
細胞特性(日)HeLa細胞亜株。細胞周期マーカーであるFucci2を発現している。株化細胞名:HeLa/Fucci2 #3。Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci。リサーチツール :Fucci – Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator
使用条件(英)1)The BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE must be used for academic research purpose conducted by RECIPIENT who belongs to a not-for profit academic organization (i.e. a university or another institution of higher education or any non-profit scientific or educational organization, including government agencies). 2) The RECIPIENT should obtain written approval from the UCSD using the [mCherry FORM]. 3) The RECIPIENT’s Scientist agrees not to transfer the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE and its derivatives to any third party including any resource center without the prior written consent of DEPOSITOR. 4) When publishing the research results obtained using the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation to the literature specified by the DEPOSITOR or an acknowledgement to the DEPOSITOR is requested. Sakaue-Sawano, A. et al., BMC Cell Biology 12: 2 (2011).
使用条件(日)英文に準拠、生物遺伝資源提供同意書 (MTA) には、英文をご記載またはご添付ください。
提供申込書類(英) Order Form(C-0005.pdf)   MTA(C-0007.pdf)  
Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (cellbank.brc@riken.jp).
提供申込書類(日) 依頼書C-0001.pdf   同意書(非営利学術目的)C-0003.pdf  
提供同意書は、使用機関の種類や目的に応じて、非営利学術目的 (C-XXXX) と営利目的 (C-XXXXp) の2種類があります。該当する提供同意書をご使用ください(詳細)。特許等の取得及び商業利用等は事前に必ず cellbank.brc@riken.jp までご連絡ください。
提供手数料 手数料とお支払いについてはこちらをご覧ください。
細胞基本情報 寄託者 Miyawaki, Atsushi
樹立者 Miyawaki, Atsushi
寄託日 2009
別名 HeLa.S-Fucci2
元の細胞 HeLa.S3
動物種 _human < Mammals
属名 Homo
種名 sapiens
性別 Female
採取組織 cervix
病名 cervical carcinoma
細胞分類 cancer
遺伝子改変 recombinant
外来遺伝子 Fucci2
細胞寿命 infinite
細胞形態 epithelial-like
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_U187
培地・試薬情報 培地・試薬一覧はこちらをご覧ください。
培養形態 Adherent cells
培地 DMEM (low glucose) + 10% FBS
抗生物質 Free
継代方法 0.25% Trypsin
継代密度 1 : 8 split
継代・培地交換頻度 Subculture : 2 times/week
培養最適温度 37 ℃
二酸化炭素濃度 5 %
凍結培地 Medium + 10% DMSO
凍結方法 Slow freezing
マイコプラズマ/アコレプラズマ (-)
アイソザイム検査 LD, NP
個体識別検査 OK
文献情報 Reference(英) 2件
Reference(日) 0件
利用者成果(英) 20件
利用者成果(日) 0件

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21584  Kazama R, Sakai S.  Effect of cell adhesiveness of Cell Dome shell on enclosed HeLa cells.  J Biosci Bioeng  2024  137(4):313-320  PubMed ID: 38307767   DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2024.01.002
21947  Mubarok W, Elvitigala KCML, Nakaya H, Hotta T, Sakai S.  Cell Cycle Modulation through Physical Confinement in Micrometer-Thick Hydrogel Sheaths.  Langmuir  2024    PubMed ID: 39166379   DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c02434
22129  Iwata H, Toshito T, Omachi C, Umezawa M, Yamada M, Tanaka K, Nakajima K, Tsuzuki Y, Matsumoto K, Kawai T, Shibata Y, Ugawa S, Ogino H, Hiwatashi A.  Proton FLASH Irradiation Using a Synchrotron Accelerator: Differences by Irradiation Positions.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys  2024    PubMed ID: 39549758   DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.11.066
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21373  Suzuki MM, Iijima K, Ogami K, Shinjo K, Murofushi Y, Xie J, Wang X, Kitano Y, Mamiya A, Kibe Y, Nishimura T, Ohka F, Saito R, Sato S, Kobayashi J, Yao R, Miyata K, Kataoka K, Suzuki HI, Kondo Y.  TUG1-mediated R-loop resolution at microsatellite loci as a prerequisite for cancer cell proliferation.  Nat Commun  2023  14(1):4521  PubMed ID: 37607907   DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40243-8
21428  Honda K, Hitora Y, Tsukamoto S.  Akanthomins A-C, aphidicolin analogs from a fungus Akanthomyces sp., that inhibit cell cycle.  Phytochemistry  2023  216:113885  PubMed ID: 37806468   DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2023.113885
20650  Mubarok W, Elvitigala KCML, Nakahata M, Kojima M, Sakai S.  Modulation of Cell-Cycle Progression by Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Cross-Linking and Degradation of Cell-Adhesive Hydrogels.  Cells  2022  11(5)  PubMed ID: 35269503   DOI: 10.3390/cells11050881
13586  Hitora Y, Sejiyama A, Honda K, Ise Y, Losung F, Mangindaan REP, Tsukamoto S.  Fluorescent image-based high-content screening of extracts of natural resources for cell cycle inhibitors and identification of a new sesquiterpene quinone from the sponge, Dactylospongia metachromia  Bioorg Med Chem  2021  31:115968  PubMed ID: 33387695   DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115968
13202  Iwata H, Shuto T, Kamei S, Omachi K, Moriuchi M, Omachi C, Toshito T, Hashimoto S, Nakajima K, Sugie C, Ogino H, Kai H, Shibamoto Y.  Combined effects of cisplatin and photon or proton irradiation in cultured cells: radiosensitization, patterns of cell death and cell cycle distribution.  J Radiat Res  2020    PubMed ID: 32880637   DOI: 10.1093/jrr/rraa065
13217  Yamanaka R, Shindo Y, Hotta K, Hiroi N, Oka K.  Cellular thermogenesis compensates environmental temperature fluctuations for maintaining intracellular temperature.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun  2020    PubMed ID: 32928506   DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.08.110
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