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Cell No. : Cell Name
RCB1909 : 8305C  update : 2024/05/02
CommentHuman thyroid anaplastic carcinoma derived cell line. TKG0446 (Deposited from Tohoku Univ.).
Comment from the depositor
Terms and conditionsThere is no restriction regarding use for basic researches. In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all please contact the RIKEN BRC.
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Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (
Basic information Depositor Obinata, Masuo
Originator Hirooka T and miller C.
Year of deposit 2004
Original cell TKG0446
Animal _human < Mammals
Genus Homo
Species sapiens
Tissue thyroid
Disease name thyroid anaplastic carcinoma
Classification cancer
History Cell Resource Center for Biomedical Research, Tohoku University(TKG0446)
Lifespan infinite
Morphology fibroblast-like
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_1053
deposit info
lot info
Medium Medium List
Culture type Adherent cells
Culture medium RPMI1640 + 10% FBS
Antibiotics Free
Passage method 0.25% Trypsin
Culture information Passage ratio 1 : 8 split
SC frequency Subculture : 2 times/week
Temperature 37 ℃
CO2 concentration 5 %
Freeze medium Medium + 10% DMSO
Freezing method Slow freezing
Mycoplasma/Acholeplasma (-)
Isozyme LD, NP
STR(human) OK
deposit info
lot info
Reference information Reference 2
User's Publication 5

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3091  Smanik PA, Fithian LJ, Jhiang SM  Thyroid peroxidase expression and DNA polymorphisms in thyroid cancer.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun  1994  198:948-54  PubMed ID: 8117301   DOI: 10.1006/bbrc.1994.1135
5037  Ito T, Seyama T, Hayashi Y, Hayashi T, Dohi K, Mizuno T, Iwamoto K, Tsuyama N, Nakamura N, Akiyama M.  Establishment of 2 human thyroid-carcinoma cell-lines (8305c, 8505c) bearing p53 gene-mutations.  Int J Oncol  1994  4(3):583-6  PubMed ID: 21566963   DOI: 10.3892/ijo.4.3.583

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User's Publication
19699  Nakayama H, Saito N, Kasajima R, Suganuma N, Rino Y, Masudo K, Yamazaki H, Toda S, Sekihara K, Iwasaki H, Hoshino D.  Validation of EZH2 Inhibitor Efficiency in Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma Cell Lines  Anticancer Res  2023  43(3):1073-1077  PubMed ID: 36854530   DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.16252
18204  Ooizumi Y, Katoh H, Yokota M, Watanabe M, Yamashita K.  Epigenetic silencing of HOPX is critically involved in aggressive phenotypes and patient prognosis in papillary thyroid cancer  Oncotarget  2019  10(57):5906-5918  PubMed ID: 31666923   DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.27187
9725  Yosuke Ooizumi 1, Keita Kojima 1, Kazuharu Igarashi 1, Yoko Tanaka 1, Hiroki Harada 1, Kazuko Yokota 1, Takeshi Kaida 1, Satoru Ishii 1, Toshimichi Tanaka 1, Keigo Yokoi, Nobuyuki Nishizawa, Marie Washio, Hideki Ushiku, Hiroshi Katoh, Yoshimasa Kosaka, Hiroaki Mieno, Kei Hosoda, Masahiko Watanabe, Chikatoshi Katada, Naoki Hiki Keishi Yamashita  Comprehensive Exploration to Identify Predictive DNA Markers of ΔNp63/SOX2 in Drug Resistance in Human Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma  Ann Surg Oncol  2019  26(13):4814-4825  PubMed ID: 31529309   DOI: 10.1245/s10434-019-07795-w
9810  Junko Shibato, Fumiko Takenoya, Takahiro Hirabayashi, Ai Kimura, Yusuke Iwasaki, Yoko Toyoda, Motohide Hori, Shigeru Tamogami, Randeep Rakwal, Seiji Shioda  Towards Identification of Bioactive Compounds in Cold Vacuum Extracted Double Cherry Blossom (Gosen-Sakura) Leaves  Plant Signal Behav  2019  14(10):e1644594  PubMed ID: 31342859   DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2019.1644594
12370  Edo N, Kawakami K, Fujita Y, Morita K, Uno K, Tsukamoto K, Onose H, Ishikawa T, Ito M.  Exosomes Expressing Thyrotropin Receptor Attenuate Autoantibody-Mediated Stimulation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Production  Thyroid  2019  29(7):1012-1017  PubMed ID: 31062662   DOI: 10.1089/thy.2018.0772

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