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Cell No. : Cell Name
RCB1771 : Lu-24  update : 2024/01/17
CommentHuman cell line derived from lung cancer. Oat cell type. Application consideration
Comment from the depositor
Terms and conditionsThere is no restriction regarding use for basic researches. In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all please contact the RIKEN BRC.
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Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (
Basic information Depositor Terasaki, Takeo
Originator Terasaki, Takeo
Year of deposit 2001
Animal _human < Mammals
Genus Homo
Species sapiens
Race Japanese
Gender Female
Age at sampling 42 years
Tissue lung
Disease name Oat cell type
Classification cancer
Year of origin 1983
Lifespan infinite
Morphology other
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_3349
deposit info
lot info
Medium Medium List
Culture type Suspension cells
Culture method General Guidelines for Culturing Suspension Cells, 浮遊細胞の培養に関する一般的な注意(Japanese)
Culture medium RPMI1640 + 10% FBS
Antibiotics Free
Passage method dilution
Culture information Passage ratio 1 : 2 split
SC frequency Subculture : once/week, Medium Renewal : 2 times/week
Temperature 37 ℃
CO2 concentration 5 %
Freeze medium Medium + 10% DMSO
Freezing method Slow freezing
Mycoplasma/Acholeplasma (-)
Isozyme LD, NP
STR(human) OK
deposit info
lot info
Reference information Reference 10
User's Publication 4

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870  Yokoi S, Yasui K, Saito-Ohara F, Koshikawa K, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Terasaki T, Horii A, Takahashi T, Hirohashi S, Inazawa J.  A novel target gene, SKP2, within the 5p13 amplicon that is frequently detected in small cell lung cancers  Am J Pathol  2002  161(1):207-16  PubMed ID: 12107105   DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9440(10)64172-7
3149  Gemma A, Hosoya Y, Seike M, Uematsu K, Kurimoto F, Hibino S, Yoshimura A, Shibuya M, Kudoh S, Emi M  Genomic structure of the human MAD2 gene and mutation analysis in human lung and breast cancers.  Lung Cancer  2001  32:289-95  PubMed ID: 11390010   DOI: 10.1016/s0169-5002(00)00223-3
3148  Gemma A, Takenoshita S, Hagiwara K, Okamoto A, Spillare, E A, McMemamin, M G, Hussain, S P, Forrester K, Zariwala M, Xiong Y, Harris, C C  Molecular analysis of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor genes p15INK4b/MTS2, p16INK4/MTS1, p18 and p19 in human cancer cell lines.  Int J Cancer  1996  68:605-11  PubMed ID: 8938142   DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0215(19961127)68:5<605::AID-IJC9>3.0.CO;2-2
3144  Shimoyama Y, Gotoh M, Terasaki T, Kitajima M, Hirohashi S  Isolation and sequence analysis of human cadherin-6 complementary DNA for the full coding sequence and its expression in human carcinoma cells.  Cancer Res  1995  55:2206-11  PubMed ID: 7743525  
1974  Terasaki T, Matsuno Y, Shimosato Y, Yamaguchi K, Ichinose H, Nagatsu T, Kato K  Establishment of a human small cell lung cancer cell line producing a large amount of anti-diuretic hormone.  Jpn J Cancer Res (--> Cancer Sci)  1994  85:718-22  PubMed ID: 8071114   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1994.tb02420.x
3145  Sakuma T, Kodama K, Hara T, Eshita Y, Shibata N, Matsumoto M, Seya T, Mori Y  Levels of complement regulatory molecules in lung cancer: disappearance of the D17 epitope of CD55 in small-cell carcinoma.  Jpn J Cancer Res (--> Cancer Sci)  1993  84:753-9  PubMed ID: 7690355   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1993.tb02040.x
3143  Sameshima Y, Matsuno Y, Hirohashi S, Shimosato Y, Mizoguchi H, Sugimura T, Terada M, Yokota J  Alterations of the p53 gene are common and critical events for the maintenance of malignant phenotypes in small-cell lung carcinoma.  Oncogene  1992  7:451-7  PubMed ID: 1312700  
1368  Matsumoto T, Terasaki T, Mukai K, Wada M, Okamoto A, Yokota J, Yamaguchi K, Kato K, Nagatsu T, Shimosato Y  Relation between nucleolar size and growth characteristics in small cell lung cancer cell lines.  Jpn J Cancer Res   1991  82:820-8  PubMed ID: 1715338   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1991.tb02708.x
1111  Yokota J, Akiyama T, Fung, Y K, Benedict, W F, Namba Y, Hanaoka M, Wada M, Terasaki T, Shimosato Y, Sugimura T, et al.  Altered expression of the retinoblastoma (RB) gene in small-cell carcinoma of the lung.  Oncogene  1988  3:471-5  PubMed ID: 2856251  
1118  Terasaki T, Shimosato Y, Nakajima T, Tsumuraya M, Morinaga S, Hirohashi S, Yamaguchi K, Kato K, Ichinose H, Nagatsu T  Changes in cell characteristics due to culture conditions in cell lines from human small cell lung cancer.  Jpn J Clin Oncol  1986  16:203-12  PubMed ID: 3022030  

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User's Publication
12940  Ohta T, Mita M, Hishinuma S, Ishii-Nozawa R, Takahashi K, Shoji M.  Inhibition of Ectopic Arginine Vasopressin Production by Phenytoin in the Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Line Lu-165  Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)  2017  8:94  PubMed ID: 28503166   DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2017.00094
9731  Mizutani N, Abe M, Matsuoka S, Kajino K, Wakiya M, Ohtsuji N, Hatano R, Morimoto C, Hino O.  Establishment of anti-mesothelioma monoclonal antibodies.  BMC Res Notes  2016  9:324  PubMed ID: 27342200   DOI: 10.1186/s13104-016-2128-x
6410  Danjoh I, Sone H, Noda N, Iimura E, Nagayoshi M, Saijo K, Hiroyama T, Nakamura Y.  Is parainfluenza virus a threatening virus for human cancer cell lines?  Hum Cell  2009  22(3):81-4  PubMed ID: 19624309   DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-0774.2009.00071.x
19312  Yabuta N, Onda H, Watanabe M, Yoshioka N, Nagamori I, Funatsu T, Toji S, Tamai K, Nojima H.  Isolation and characterization of the TIGA genes, whose transcripts are induced by growth arrest  Nucleic Acids Res  2006  34(17):4878-92.  PubMed ID: 16973895   DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkl651

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