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細胞番号 : 細胞名
RCB0469 : Lu-139  update : 2024/01/17
細胞特性(Comment:英)Small cell carcinoma, classic type. Application consideration
使用条件(英)There is no restriction regarding use for basic researches. In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all please contact the RIKEN BRC.
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提供同意書は、使用機関の種類や目的に応じて、非営利学術目的 (C-XXXX) と営利目的 (C-XXXXp) の2種類があります。該当する提供同意書をご使用ください(詳細)。特許等の取得及び商業利用等は事前に必ず cellbank.brc@riken.jp までご連絡ください。
提供手数料 手数料とお支払いについてはこちらをご覧ください。
細胞基本情報 寄託者 Terasaki, Takeo
樹立者 Tsumuraya, M. & Nakajima, T.
寄託日 1990
動物種 _human < Mammals
属名 Homo
種名 sapiens
人種 Japanese
性別 Male
63 years
採取組織 lung
病名 small cell carcinoma
細胞分類 cancer
初代培養日 1986
入手歴 M. Tsunuraya
細胞寿命 infinite
細胞形態 other
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_1390
培地・試薬情報 培地・試薬一覧はこちらをご覧ください。
培養形態 Suspension cells
培養方法 浮遊細胞の培養に関する一般的な注意(Japanese)
培地 RPMI1640 + 10% FBS
抗生物質 Free
継代方法 dilution
継代密度 1 : 10 split
継代・培地交換頻度 Subculture : once/week, Medium Renewal : 2 times/week
培養最適温度 37 ℃
二酸化炭素濃度 5 %
凍結培地 Medium + 10% DMSO
凍結方法 Slow freezing
マイコプラズマ (-)
ウィルス(HIV) (-)
アイソザイム検査 LD, NP
染色体検査 54-138(50) : /65(2),66(44),67(13),68(22),69(1)/
個体識別検査 OK
文献情報 Reference(英) 11件
Reference(日) 1件
利用者成果(英) 24件
利用者成果(日) 0件

870  Yokoi S, Yasui K, Saito-Ohara F, Koshikawa K, Iizasa T, Fujisawa T, Terasaki T, Horii A, Takahashi T, Hirohashi S, Inazawa J.  A novel target gene, SKP2, within the 5p13 amplicon that is frequently detected in small cell lung cancers  Am J Pathol  2002  161(1):207-16  PubMed ID: 12107105   DOI: 10.1016/S0002-9440(10)64172-7
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3148  Gemma A, Takenoshita S, Hagiwara K, Okamoto A, Spillare, E A, McMemamin, M G, Hussain, S P, Forrester K, Zariwala M, Xiong Y, Harris, C C  Molecular analysis of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor genes p15INK4b/MTS2, p16INK4/MTS1, p18 and p19 in human cancer cell lines.  Int J Cancer  1996  68:605-11  PubMed ID: 8938142   DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0215(19961127)68:5<605::AID-IJC9>3.0.CO;2-2
3144  Shimoyama Y, Gotoh M, Terasaki T, Kitajima M, Hirohashi S  Isolation and sequence analysis of human cadherin-6 complementary DNA for the full coding sequence and its expression in human carcinoma cells.  Cancer Res  1995  55:2206-11  PubMed ID: 7743525  
1974  Terasaki T, Matsuno Y, Shimosato Y, Yamaguchi K, Ichinose H, Nagatsu T, Kato K  Establishment of a human small cell lung cancer cell line producing a large amount of anti-diuretic hormone.  Jpn J Cancer Res (--> Cancer Sci)  1994  85:718-22  PubMed ID: 8071114   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1994.tb02420.x
1368  Matsumoto T, Terasaki T, Mukai K, Wada M, Okamoto A, Yokota J, Yamaguchi K, Kato K, Nagatsu T, Shimosato Y  Relation between nucleolar size and growth characteristics in small cell lung cancer cell lines.  Jpn J Cancer Res   1991  82:820-8  PubMed ID: 1715338   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1991.tb02708.x
3142  Nakagawa K, Yokota J, Wada M, Sasaki Y, Fujiwara Y, Sakai M, Muramatsu M, Terasaki T, Tsunokawa Y, Terada M, et al.  Levels of glutathione S transferase pi mRNA in human lung cancer cell lines correlate with the resistance to cisplatin and carboplatin.  Jpn J Cancer Res  1988  79:301-4  PubMed ID: 2836347   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.1988.tb01590.x
1112  Yokota J, Wada M, Yoshida T, Noguchi M, Terasaki T, Shimosato Y, Sugimura T, Terada M  Heterogeneity of lung cancer cells with respect to the amplification and rearrangement of myc family oncogenes.  Oncogene  1988  2:607-11  PubMed ID: 2838790  
1111  Yokota J, Akiyama T, Fung, Y K, Benedict, W F, Namba Y, Hanaoka M, Wada M, Terasaki T, Shimosato Y, Sugimura T, et al.  Altered expression of the retinoblastoma (RB) gene in small-cell carcinoma of the lung.  Oncogene  1988  3:471-5  PubMed ID: 2856251  
1118  Terasaki T, Shimosato Y, Nakajima T, Tsumuraya M, Morinaga S, Hirohashi S, Yamaguchi K, Kato K, Ichinose H, Nagatsu T  Changes in cell characteristics due to culture conditions in cell lines from human small cell lung cancer.  Jpn J Clin Oncol  1986  16:203-12  PubMed ID: 3022030  

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21514  Nomura M, Ohuchi M, Sakamoto Y, Kudo K, Yaku K, Soga T, Sugiura Y, Morita M, Hayashi K, Miyahara S, Sato T, Yamashita Y, Ito S, Kikuchi N, Sato I, Saito R, Yaegashi N, Fukuhara T, Yamada H, Shima H, Nakayama KI, Hirao A, Kawasaki K, Arai Y, Akamatsu S, Tanuma SI, Sato T, Nakagawa T, Tanuma N.  Niacin restriction with NAMPT-inhibition is synthetic lethal to neuroendocrine carcinoma.  Nat Commun  2023  14(1):8095  PubMed ID: 38092728   DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-43630-3
20732  Omori M, Noro R, Seike M, Matsuda K, Hirao M, Fukuizumi A, Takano N, Miyanaga A, Gemma A.  Inhibitors of ABCB1 and ABCG2 overcame resistance to topoisomerase inhibitors in small cell lung cancer.  Thorac Cancer  2022    PubMed ID: 35719112   DOI: 10.1111/1759-7714.14527
11373  Mahoney CE, Pirman D, Chubukov V, Sleger T, Hayes S, Fan ZP, Allen EL, Chen Y, Huang L, Liu M, Zhang Y, McDonald G, Narayanaswamy R, Choe S, Chen Y, Gross S, Cianchetta G, Padyana AK, Murray S, Liu W, Marks KM, Murtie J, Dorsch M, Jin S, Nagaraja N, Biller SA, Roddy T, Popovici-Muller J, Smolen GA.  A chemical biology screen identifies a vulnerability of neuroendocrine cancer cells to SQLE inhibition.  Nat Commun  2019    PubMed ID: 30626880   DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07959-4
9502  Morita M, Sato T, Nomura M, Sakamoto Y, Inoue Y, Tanaka R, Ito S, Kurosawa K, Yamaguchi K, Sugiura Y, Takizaki H, Yamashita Y, Katakura R, Sato I, Kawai M, Okada Y, Watanabe H, Kondoh G, Matsumoto S, Kishimoto A, Obata M, Matsumoto M, Fukuhara T, Motohashi H, Suematsu M, Komatsu M, Nakayama KI, Watanabe T, Soga T, Shima H, Maemondo M, Tanuma N.  PKM1 Confers Metabolic Advantages and Promotes Cell-Autonomous Tumor Cell Growth.  Cancer Cell  2018  33:355-367.e7  PubMed ID: 29533781   DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.02.004
11097  Horie M, Miyashita N, Mattsson JSM, Mikami Y, Sandelin M, Brunnstrom H, Micke P, Nagase T, Saito A.  An integrative transcriptome analysis reveals a functional role for thyroid transcription factor-1 in small cell lung cancer.  J. Pathol.  2018  246(2):154-165  PubMed ID: 29876935   DOI: 10.1002/path.5109
10922  Shigeaki Umeda et al  Loss of IL-24 expression facilitates invasion in lung adenocarcinoma   Int J Clin Exp Pathol  2017  10:173-185   
12942  Horie M, Saito A, Ohshima M, Suzuki HI, Nagase T.  YAP and TAZ modulate cell phenotype in a subset of small cell lung cancer  Cancer Sci  2016  107(12):1755-1766  PubMed ID: 27627196   DOI: 10.1111/cas.13078
7379  Matsumoto M, Seike M, Noro R, Soeno C, Sugano T, Takeuchi S, Miyanaga A, Kitamura K, Kubota K, Gemma A.  Control of the MYC-eIF4E axis plus mTOR inhibitor treatment in small cell lung cancer.  BMC Cancer  2015  15:241  PubMed ID: 25884680   DOI: 10.1186/s12885-015-1202-4
16604  Okudela K, Katayama A, Woo T, Mitsui H, Suzuki T, Tateishi Y, Umeda S, Tajiri M, Masuda M, Nagahara N, Kitamura H, Ohashi K.  Proteome analysis for downstream targets of oncogenic KRAS--the potential participation of CLIC4 in carcinogenesis in the lung  PLoS One  2014  9(2):e87193  PubMed ID: 24503901   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0087193
4390  Ishii J, Sato H, Sakaeda M, Shishido-Hara Y, Hiramatsu C, Kamma H, Shimoyamada H, Fujiwara M, Endo T, Aoki I, Yazawa T.  POU domain transcription factor BRN2 is crucial for expression of ASCL1, ND1 and neuroendocrine marker molecules and cell growth in small cell lung cancer.  Pathol Int  2013  63(3):158-68  PubMed ID: 23530560   DOI: 10.1111/pin.12042
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18296  Yoneda M, Suzuki T, Nakamura T, Ajima R, Yoshida Y, Kakuta S, Katsuko S, Iwakura Y, Shibutani M, Mitsumori K, Yokota J, Yamamoto T.  Deficiency of antiproliferative family protein Ana correlates with development of lung adenocarcinoma  Cancer Sci  2009  100(2):225-32  PubMed ID: 19068083   DOI: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2008.01030.x
6410  Danjoh I, Sone H, Noda N, Iimura E, Nagayoshi M, Saijo K, Hiroyama T, Nakamura Y.  Is parainfluenza virus a threatening virus for human cancer cell lines?  Hum Cell  2009  22(3):81-4  PubMed ID: 19624309   DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-0774.2009.00071.x
12769  Okudela K, Yazawa T, Ishii J, Woo T, Mitsui H, Bunai T, Sakaeda M, Shimoyamada H, Sato H, Tajiri M, Ogawa N, Masuda M, Sugimura H, Kitamura H.  Down-regulation of FXYD3 expression in human lung cancers: its mechanism and potential role in carcinogenesis  Am J Pathol  2009  175(6):2646-56  PubMed ID: 19893046   DOI: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080571
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13883  Kobayashi H, Takemura Y, Hayashi T, Ujiiye T, Kawase M, Niino Y, Miyachi H, Ohshima T, Hotta T.  Expression level of MDR1 message in peripheral blood leukocytes from healthy adults: a competitive nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assay for its determination  Clin Chem Lab Med  2004  42(10):1098-101  PubMed ID: 15552266   DOI: 10.1515/CCLM.2004.226
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3140  Koh T, Yokota J, Ookawa K, Kina T, Koshimura K, Miwa S, Ariyasu T, Yamada H, Osaka M, Haga H, et al.  Alternative splicing of the neurofibromatosis 1 gene correlates with growth patterns and neuroendocrine properties of human small-cell lung-carcinoma cells.  Int J Cancer  1995  60:843-7  PubMed ID: 7896456   DOI: 10.1002/ijc.2910600620
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