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AES0164 : Dnmt3a-/- ES (clone 6aa)  update : 2025/01/16
細胞特性(Comment:英)Mouse ES cell line lacking Dnmt3a gene.
使用条件(英)1) RECIPIENT must send a copy of the executed MTA(C-0007) for distribution between Recipient and RIKEN BRC to Massachusetts General Hospital"s Research and Licensing Office:101 Huntington Ave, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 954-9500. 2) Any publication or public disclosure of research results obtained by the use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE shall cite Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, MA as the source of the material. However, neither the name, trademark, service mark, logo nor other identifying characteristic (“name”) of MGH or any of its affiliates, or any of its or their representatives or agents, in any advertising, promotional or sales literature, publicity or in any document employed to obtain funds or financing without the prior written approval of the MGH Department of Public Affairs. 3) In publishing research results obtained by the use of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the literature as designated by the DEPOSITOR is required. (Development.122:3195-205.1996 Cell. 99:247-57. 1999) . 4) The use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE is restricted to academic researchers in non-profit organizations for their internal research and educational purposes. 5) The BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE shall not be used for commercial purposes. Any request for the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by a for-profit entity shall be referred to Massachusetts General Hospital through the Research and Licensing Office. 6) Recipients shall assume all liability for their use, storage, handing and disposal of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE. The General Hospital Corporation d/b/a Massachusetts General Hospital will not be liable to the Recipients for any loss, claims, matters, damages, costs or liabilities relating to any third party actions, proceedings, investigations, or matters arising from any use, storage, handling, or disposals, of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE by Recipient.
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提供申込書類(英) Order Form(C-0032.pdf)   MTA(C-0007.pdf)  
Regarding MTA between user institutions and RIKEN BRC, there are two kinds of MTA, not-for-profit academic purpose (C-XXXX) and for-profit research purpose (C-XXXXp) , depending on the sort of user institutions and the purposes of use. Please use an appropriate MTA(to see). In relation to commercial use and use for patent filing, first of all Please contact RIKEN BRC (cellbank.brc@riken.jp).
提供申込書類(日) 依頼書C-0031.pdf   同意書(非営利学術目的)C-0003.pdf  
提供同意書は、使用機関の種類や目的に応じて、非営利学術目的 (C-XXXX) と営利目的 (C-XXXXp) の2種類があります。該当する提供同意書をご使用ください(詳細)。特許等の取得及び商業利用等は事前に必ず cellbank.brc@riken.jp までご連絡ください。
提供手数料 手数料とお支払いについてはこちらをご覧ください。
細胞基本情報 寄託者 Okano, Masaki
樹立者 En Li & Okano, Masaki
寄託日 2010
動物種 _mouse < Mammals
動物系統名 129Sv/Jae
性別 Male
採取組織 embryonic stem cells
細胞分類 ES
遺伝子改変 recombinant
外来遺伝子 IRES-βgeo
細胞寿命 infinite
細胞形態 ES-like
Cellosaurus(Expasy) CVCL_0J16
培地・試薬情報 培地・試薬一覧はこちらをご覧ください。
培養形態 Adherent cells
培地 GMEM + 10% FBS + 1mM Sodium Pyruvate + 0.1mM NEAA + 0.1mM 2-Mercaptoethanol + 1000U/ml mouse LIF
抗生物質 Free
継代方法 0.25% Trypsin + (0.02% EDTA or 0.04% EDTA)
培養容器のコーティング 0.1% gelatin coated dish
播種細胞数 1.5-2 x 10 6 cells/100 mm dish
継代・培地交換頻度 Subculture : once/2-3 days
培養最適温度 37 ℃
二酸化炭素濃度 5 %
フィーダー細胞 MEF
フィーダー細胞の処理方法 X-rays 5000R (or MMC)
フィーダー細胞の播種数 3-5 x 10 5 cells/60 mm dish
凍結培地 Medium + 10% DMSO
凍結方法 Slow freezing
マイコプラズマ/アコレプラズマ (-)
マイコプラズマ (-)
マウス系統検査 OK
文献情報 Reference(英) 2件
Reference(日) 0件
利用者成果(英) 1件
利用者成果(日) 0件

4596  Okano M, Bell DW, Haber DA, Li E.  DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b are essential for de novo methylation and mammalian development.  Cell  1999  99(3):247-57  PubMed ID: 10555141   DOI: 10.1016/s0092-8674(00)81656-6
4595  Lei H, Oh SP, Okano M, Jüttermann R, Goss KA, Jaenisch R, Li E.  De novo DNA cytosine methyltransferase activities in mouse embryonic stem cells.  Development  1996  122(10):3195-205  PubMed ID: 8898232   DOI: 10.1242/dev.122.10.3195


10472  Umemura Y, Koike N, Ohashi M, Tsuchiya Y, Meng QJ, Minami Y, Hara M, Hisatomi M, Yagita K.  Involvement of posttranscriptional regulation of Clock in the emergence of circadian clock oscillation during mouse development.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.  2017  114:E7479-E7488  PubMed ID: 28827343   DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1703170114


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