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Cell No. : Cell Name
RCB5929 : HOS/HTLV-1_MEL5  update : 2024/09/20
CommentCurrently not ready. We don't know whether virus particles are produced or not. Therefore, the cells must be handled under BSL2.
Comment from the depositorHOS/HTLV-1MEL5 cells were HTLV-1 producing cells after cocultivation of HOS cells with lethally irradiated HTLV-1-positive human T-cell line (SI-5).
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Reference information Reference 2
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17388  Shinagawa M, Jinno-Oue A, Shimizu N, Roy BB, Shimizu A, Hoque SA, Hoshino H.  Human T-cell leukemia viruses are highly unstable over a wide range of temperatures  J Gen Virol  2012  93(Pt 3):608-617  PubMed ID: 22113012   DOI: 10.1099/vir.0.037622-0
17384  Hoshino H, Nakamura T, Tanaka Y, Miyoshi I, Yanagihara R.  Functional conservation of the neutralizing domains on the external envelope glycoprotein of cosmopolitan and melanesian strains of human T cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type I  J Infect Dis  1993  168(6):1368-73  PubMed ID: 7504032   DOI: 10.1093/infdis/168.6.1368

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